Welcome to Eighth Grade Math


With Mrs. M. Hofer



“One Only Fails When They Fail to Try”


bulletContent:     Some of the main concepts covered in eighth grade math are real numbers, algebra, proportional reasoning, geometry, measurement, probability and statistics.


bulletMaterials Provided:     Textbook-Glencoe-Applications and Concepts-Course 3


bulletMaterials Needed:        Loose-leaf paper, 3-ring binder, book cover, protractor, pencils, pens and a calculator.


bulletStudent’s grades will be based primarily on daily work, homework, activities, quizzes, approximately twelve chapter tests, two cumulative semester tests and an end of the year project.
bulletCheating is not tolerated and any student(s) involved will earn zeros and parents will be notified.
bulletGrades can be viewed on the school districts website under Parent Portal.


bulletLate work:    Students will follow the Homework Recovery Policy for the 2010-2011 school year.


bulletRedo Work:     Students can redo two assignments per chapter for full credit, unless it was late. Students must only redo the problems they did incorrectly. Redo work must be turned in before that chapters test. Students can not retake quizzes or tests, unless it is a special circumstance.


bulletAbsenteeism:      It is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed work within two times the number of days absent.


bulletOmit Coupons:      Omit coupons are given to students in my class as a reward for achievements on quizzes, tests and participation in class. Coupons may be used to omit a problem on an assignment, two coupons can be used to omit one problem per quiz or students can save a maximum of five for their semester test. TURN OVER…..


bulletExtra Credit:      As a reward, students may earn five points of EC per quarter for having no late work. Students will also periodically earn EC for having their grade sheet signed by a parent.



                                    Let's Have a Great Year!